Educa UNIVERSITY|Advertencias legales

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Advertencias legales



1. Identifying Data

This website is owned by the company Educa University, B.V., (hereinafter referred to as the Company) with registered office at Weteringschans 165-C, 1017 XD Amsterdam, registered at the Dutch Chamber of Commerce: KVK 87142104 and VAT number: NL864215873B01.

You can contact us by phone at __________, fax ___________ or by e-mail at

2. Introduction

This legal notice regulates the use of the service of the Website:

Access to the aforementioned website, as well as the use of the functionalities (hereinafter Services) and contents offered therein, confer the condition of USER on the person who accesses them. By browsing this Website, you (hereinafter, User) accept these conditions of use and legal notice, undertaking to comply with them.

The company may implement the modifications, suspensions, cancellations or restrictions it deems appropriate on the Website, and may change the design, presentation or configuration of the Website, as well as the content and services offered, and the content of the legal notice and other conditions of use, subjecting these changes to the provisions of the applicable regulations in force and acting in full compliance with the rights of consumers and users, in terms of the provisions of DIRECTIVE 2011/83/EU OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 25 October 2011 on consumer rights.

3. Object

The purpose of this legal notice is to describe the legal conditions applicable to access and use by the User to the information contained on the Website, as well as to comply with the legal regulations in force according to the EU General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation).

The User is informed and accepts that access to the Website does not, in itself, imply the start of a commercial or other type of relationship with the Company. To contract services or products offered on the Website (including free services and promotions) you must use the channels provided for this purpose, which may require the acceptance of new legal, purchasing or privacy conditions.

These Terms have also been drafted for the benefit of: (a) all companies to which Educa is affiliated in a group, has or has had a management or cooperation agreement with its directors and shareholders; (b) all directors, (former) employees and third parties (as well as their heirs) who work/have worked in any way for Educa or were affiliated with or employed by it; and (c) all third parties that Educa may engage in connection with the provision of the Service. The Terms apply as a third party clause as referred to in Book 6, Section 253 of the Dutch Civil Code for the benefit of all persons and legal entities referred to in this clause. As a result, they are entitled to invoke the respective provisions of these Terms as occasion arises.

4. Content, Accuracy, and Up-to-Dateness

The company periodically reviews the content and information published on the Website; however, it is possible that it is not aware of the inaccuracy of the information or activity to which they refer. So please, if you detect any inconsistency, immediately notify the organisation, to proceed diligently to the deletion or disabling of the link or content concerned. Nor can the Company control the use that the User makes of the information published and therefore shall not be liable for any damages, whether direct or indirect, that may arise from the use of such information.

The Company is not responsible for the opinions and responses issued by third parties, whether through publications, messages on social networks, responses to public consultations or comments on blogs, published both on the Website and on other websites linked to it, as well as on the Company's profiles on social networks.

The company carries out exhaustive maintenance of the website, so that access to the services and contents is always available. However, the User accepts that there may be interruptions, programmed to improve the performance of the page or for similar purposes, or accidental interruptions due to causes external to the company or which it cannot control.

5. Intellectual and Industrial Property

All the elements of the Website, such as its programming, source code, texts, designs, presentation, assembly, logos, images and any other element that may be protected by intellectual or industrial property rights, are the exclusive property of the Company or it has the authorisation or licence of the holders of the exploitation rights. All trade names, brands or distinctive signs, logos, symbols, mixed, figurative or nominative brands that appear on this Website belong to the Company or it has, with prior authorisation, the right to use them and they are protected by the legislation in force in this respect.

Except for those contents in which another applicable licence is expressly established, the Company does not grant any licence of use or authorisation whatsoever on its industrial and intellectual property rights or on any other property or right related to the Website, unless expressly agreed with third parties. Users may reproduce the contents of the Website for the sole purpose of storing them, making back-up copies or printing them on paper for private use.

Apart from the above, any reproduction, distribution, transformation, presentation, in whole or in part, of the content of the Website or of any of its elements, directly or indirectly by telematic networks or similar media, for commercial purposes aimed at the public or for any use beyond those mentioned, even quoting the source, is prohibited without the express written authorisation of the Company and, where appropriate, of the third party collaborators. In particular, the following are prohibited:

  • The presentation of a page of the Website in a frame of another web page that does not belong to the Company, by means of a technique known as "framing" or a similar technique, without the express written consent of the Company.

  • The insertion of an image published on the Website in a page or database not belonging to the Company, by means of the technique known as "in line linking" or a similar technique, without the express authorisation of the Company.

  • The extraction and use of elements of the website, whether or not causing any damage to the Company, in accordance with the provisions of Directive 96/9/EC on the Legal Protection of Databases.

The Company shall expressly authorise the establishment of hypertext links (hyperlinks) on another website to the homepage of this website or to any other internal page of this website, provided that the corresponding pages appear in a complete window and under the electronic addresses of this website.

All usage rights granted to Customer under the Subscription shall be non-exclusive, non-transferable, non-sublicensable and granted solely for internal business use, until terminated by Customer or Educa in accordance with these Terms.

Failure to comply with the above shall entitle the Company to take any action it is entitled to take at law to defend its legitimate interests.

6. Temporary Information Files

For the correct functioning and visualisation of the Website, the Company uses temporary information files that the server sends to the user's computer. You can obtain more information about this in our Cookies Policy.

7. Links

The external links that can be found on the Website lead to other websites owned by third parties. The Company is not responsible for the content of these sites and does not guarantee that they are accurate or up to date. The presence of these links on our Website is for information purposes only and in no case implies a suggestion, invitation or recommendation about them.

8. Applicable Legislation

These terms and conditions are governed by the European framework regulations on data protection, i.e. the EU General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation). For the resolution of any dispute or question regarding the Website or these legal conditions, the Dutch Courts and Tribunals shall have exclusive jurisdiction. In the event that the User is a Consumer or User within the meaning of DIRECTIVE 2011/83/EU OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 25 October 2011 on consumer rights, the resolution of any such disputes shall be resolved before the Courts and Tribunals of the User's domicile.

Should any of the clauses of this legal notice be declared null and void or ineffective, in whole or in part, this shall not entail the invalidity of the remaining clauses, which shall remain in force unless the Company declares otherwise.

In addition, we remind you that you can access the European Union's online dispute resolution platform by following this link: European Union's Online Dispute Resolution Platform.

Those entities that wish to contract services offered by this website in order to offer them to their own clients, whether companies or individuals, must request express authorisation from EDUCA UNIVERSITY in order to include them in their catalogue, which must always provide clear and unequivocal information regarding EDUCA UNIVERSITY's role as a provider, limiting themselves to presenting themselves as consultancy companies.



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